What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a 3,000 year old system of medicine originating from China. Acupuncture became well known in the United States in 1971 when New York Times reporter James Reston received acupuncture in China to alleviate pain following surgery for appendicitis. In 1997, the National Institute of Health acknowledged acupuncture's effectiveness and called for further study into it. In 2003, the World Health Organization recognized acupuncture as effective for nearly four dozen common health conditions. Oprah received acupuncture on her show in 2007, further increasing American public awareness of acupuncture.
How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture helps the body to heal itself. It's not putting anything into you, simply helping your body to heal itself more effectively. This explains why everyone's experience of acupuncture is different. Meaghan gives a great explanation in this video!
How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture helps the body to heal itself. It's not putting anything into you, simply helping your body to heal itself more effectively. This explains why everyone's experience of acupuncture is different. Meaghan gives a great explanation in this video!
Can acupuncture help my ______?
Great question! Meaghan gives an overview of what acupuncture can help with in this video:
Great question! Meaghan gives an overview of what acupuncture can help with in this video:
Here is a short list of the many conditions that can be successfully treatment with acupuncture:
Substances: drugs and alcohol, cigarettes, eating disorders, sugar
Cardiovascular: anemia, angina, elevated cholesterol, hypertension
Dermatological: herpes, eczema, psoriasis, excessive sweating
Emotional: stress, depression, insomnia, adhd, autism, anxiety
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat: allergies, ear infections, sinusitis, tinnitus, headaches, dental pain
Gastrointestinal: diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, ulcers
Reproductive: chronic vaginal burning, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PMS, menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, fibroids, endometriosis, postpartum care, male and female sexual dysfunction
Infections: bronchitis, candida, cold & flu prevention, vaginal infections
Interal: chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, lupus, obesity, urinary problems
Neurological: ms, neuralgia, stroke, migraines, headaches, dizziness, Bell's palsy
Musculoskeletal: tendonitis, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, arthritis, bulging/slipped disc pain, car accident recovery, jaw pain, joint pain, TMJ, sprain/strains, carpal tunnel
Pregnancy: infertility, nausea, post-partum depression
Respiratory: asthma, seasonal allergies, emphysema, COPD
Other: unexplained disorders, pain.
Also complements long term western care for conditions such as cancer, HIV, hepatitis, pain management, surgical recovery and mental health disorders. Acupuncture also helps people through difficult life circumstances such as divorce, grief and trauma.
Do you use disposable needles? Yes. We ONLY use disposable needles.
What is community acupuncture? We are a community acupuncture clinic which means that our number one concern is that patients are able to afford to come for treatment as often as they need to. In order to accomplish this, needles are primarily placed on the head, arms and lower legs while patients relax seated in a circle of comfortable recliners. We can treat any health condition in a recliner (yes, even back pain, we do it every day!)! Appointment times are staggered throughout the hour which enables us to be affordable -- our prices are on a sliding scale of $25 - $45. You also benefit greatly from the "group energy" - don't suffer alone!
With our fee structure you can come in for treatment as often as you need to. More frequent treatment = better results for you. Depending on your health situation we may recommend that you receive treatment multiple times per week.
Substances: drugs and alcohol, cigarettes, eating disorders, sugar
Cardiovascular: anemia, angina, elevated cholesterol, hypertension
Dermatological: herpes, eczema, psoriasis, excessive sweating
Emotional: stress, depression, insomnia, adhd, autism, anxiety
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat: allergies, ear infections, sinusitis, tinnitus, headaches, dental pain
Gastrointestinal: diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, ulcers
Reproductive: chronic vaginal burning, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PMS, menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, fibroids, endometriosis, postpartum care, male and female sexual dysfunction
Infections: bronchitis, candida, cold & flu prevention, vaginal infections
Interal: chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, lupus, obesity, urinary problems
Neurological: ms, neuralgia, stroke, migraines, headaches, dizziness, Bell's palsy
Musculoskeletal: tendonitis, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, arthritis, bulging/slipped disc pain, car accident recovery, jaw pain, joint pain, TMJ, sprain/strains, carpal tunnel
Pregnancy: infertility, nausea, post-partum depression
Respiratory: asthma, seasonal allergies, emphysema, COPD
Other: unexplained disorders, pain.
Also complements long term western care for conditions such as cancer, HIV, hepatitis, pain management, surgical recovery and mental health disorders. Acupuncture also helps people through difficult life circumstances such as divorce, grief and trauma.
Do you use disposable needles? Yes. We ONLY use disposable needles.
What is community acupuncture? We are a community acupuncture clinic which means that our number one concern is that patients are able to afford to come for treatment as often as they need to. In order to accomplish this, needles are primarily placed on the head, arms and lower legs while patients relax seated in a circle of comfortable recliners. We can treat any health condition in a recliner (yes, even back pain, we do it every day!)! Appointment times are staggered throughout the hour which enables us to be affordable -- our prices are on a sliding scale of $25 - $45. You also benefit greatly from the "group energy" - don't suffer alone!
With our fee structure you can come in for treatment as often as you need to. More frequent treatment = better results for you. Depending on your health situation we may recommend that you receive treatment multiple times per week.