Do you feel as if your concerns are being dismissed by your doctor? Are you frustrated by only hormonal choices of birth control or expensive creams/patches that may or may not work? Acupuncture can help by smoothing the transition from regular periods to perimenopause to menopause in several ways. Acupuncture helps the common symptoms that many people going through menopause struggle with: temperature shifts (hot or cold), insomnia, weight gain, sugar cravings, brain fog (or forgetfulness), mood swings, anxiety/depression, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, cramps, hair loss, and vaginal dryness or general dry skin.
Perimenopause is the transition between regular periods (fertility) and menopause. This transition period can last for several years. Menopause itself is defined as going one full year without a period. If you begin acupuncture treatment after your period has been absent for a few months, then your period may return regularly. Being without a period and having it suddenly return may not be the best news, but the upside of having your period return is your body does not age as quickly- and that is good news. Many clients going through menopause find that acupuncture, unlike Western medicine, can help with a wider variety of symptoms, naturally. Acupuncture not only helps the body heal itself, it also shuts off the stress response which can get stuck on when people are going through menopause. Traditional remedies, such as hormone treatment, can sometimes help, although they may not be able to address all the symptoms you’re experiencing. In addition to menopause, acupuncture can help with symptoms of other hormone-related issues such as PCOS and PMS. We hope this helps you understand how acupuncture can help during menopause. Please like this post if you found it helpful for you.
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People are used to how medication works. You take a pill and get an instant result. Pain killers may dull or mask the pain, but they don’t address the underlying cause of the pain. Acupuncture works differently and while commonly people will notice an immediate improvement in pain sometimes it takes a few treatments to kick in. Look for reduction of intensity and frequency of each pain episode. During the course of treatment, the frequency, intensity and duration of pain decreases. It's also not uncommon that the size of the area that hurts starts to shrink.
People also notice that they are able to accomplish more throughout their day. Sometimes those closest to you may notice a difference before you do! This leads to increased feelings of happiness and reduced feelings of depression. In addition to pain relief you will see an improvement in the following areas: the quality of sleep, a feeling of well being, and an increase in the range of movement. Our bodies heal while we are asleep and improved sleep and energy are good signs you are starting to heal. Acupuncture treatments build on one another. Depending on the reason for your visit, you may not necessarily notice a difference in your condition after each individual treatment. The main reason a treatment plan is created is to achieve that cumulative effect! Think about going to the gym. Each time you go is important, but where you see the most difference is after all those visits. The results are very visible!! Everyone is different, however, and one person may feel relief after one visit, and others may not notice until a few hours later or the next day. All bodies are different and will respond to treatment differently. If you ever have questions please ask your acupuncturist! Please like this post if you found it helpful for you. |
AuthorMeaghan Massella, M.Ac, L.Ac, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM) is an acupuncturist, business owner and mother of 2. Archives
March 2022