Over 50 million people in the U.S. are living with chronic pain. Women and people over sixty-five are the groups most affected by chronic pain. People with chronic pain seek medical care because of restrictions on daily activities and mobility, opioid dependence, anxiety and/or depression. Chronic pain is exhausting and leaves people feeling hopeless or depressed. However, acupuncture helps to manage chronic pain. All pain comes from the brain, and in chronic pain cases, the pain signals get "stuck" on, causing a person to feel pain all the time. Acupuncture interrupts the pain signals that are over firing in the brain. The pain is real and acupuncture can help reduce inflammation, relax your body as well as calm your mind. Certain points target different conditions and areas of the body where pain is present. Acupuncture can also increase flexibility, improve sleep, and stop pain. Sleep is so important to managing chronic pain, people frequently feel more pain when they are sleeping poorly. Sleep is also when our bodies heal themselves, so it is critical for people who are living with chronic pain to get adequate and good quality sleep. Acupuncture can improve the quality of sleep and give you more energy making you feel better overall. Acupuncture helps people with chronic pain improve their quality of life and be able to do more of the activities they love.
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AuthorMeaghan Massella, M.Ac, L.Ac, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM) is an acupuncturist, business owner and mother of 2. Archives
March 2022